Matheus Bosa


I’m a Software Engineer with skills in Java, Kotlin, and Go. I have a strong understanding of the software development lifecycle, including documentation and automated testing. I embrace best practices in programming within a DevOps culture.

Feel free to get in touch with me!


QuintoAndar - Senior Software Engineer (2023 - Present)

Skills: Java 17, Spring Boot, Go, Terraform, AWS, Redis, Sentry, Grafana

PicPay - Senior Software Engineer (2022 - 2023)

  • Developed new end-to-end features for the mobile application’s chat, such as user spammer control and fraud prevention.
  • Presented System Design for new solutions following the Mobile-First strategy.
  • Elevated the squad’s standards for writing Design Docs and ensuring code quality.

Skills: Go, Kotlin, Java 17, Spring Boot, AWS, MongoDB, New Relic, Grafana

Americanas S.A. - Software Developer (2021 - 2021)

  • Built a Data Catalog system, democratizing access to data within the company.

Skills: Go, GitLab CI, Datadog, AWS, MongoDB, Google BigQuery

GFT - Backend Developer (2019 - 2021)

  • Developed backend microservices in Java Spring Boot for the banking sector.
  • Worked on the Digital Bank Account project for Banco BV, involving functionalities like Transfers (Pix, Contacts, TED/TEF), Payments (Boleto, Credit Card), Account Balance, and Bank Statement.

Skills: Java 11, Spring Boot, Microservices, Elasticsearch, Redis, GCP

Funpar UFPR - Full Stack Developer (2017 - 2019)

  • Contributed to the development of an academic management system for UFPR departments and courses (Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Language Club).

Skills: Java, MySQL, Hibernate, Vue.js


UFPR - Undergraduate - Electrical Engineering (2015 - 2020)

  • Comprehensive knowledge of Electronics and Telecommunications.
  • Academic performance coefficient of 0.8705.

UTFPR - Certified Electronics Technician (2011 - 2014)